Welcome to the Mazoku-National School of Historical Government commemorative ceremony, all who are invited. This is where Gunter and Conrad meet the first time as instructor and pupil. This time the circumstances of these two people have been drawn. -- The impression that old times do not change holds true even now. (Laughing) Recorded is Gunter’s concern even with the excellent army, by Conrad’s defiant attitude. On one night, Gunter challenges Conrad outside of class to clash swords, which is strictly prohibited. -- In this encounter, the gloom surrounding Conrad’s heart is shown through how he carries his sword. After all, you decide the victor of the game Gunter, but the darkness around Conrad remained. “Do you lift your sword just to do so? Your heart is black.” -- Your sword protects the half-Mazokus position who live within the Mazoku family, and yet that sacrifice traps you making you despise yourself. With Conrad in that mindset, you asked if there is nothing you can do to break through that barrier. Time flows, and the students graduate from the Military Academy. But Conrad left without answering Gunter’s question. -- And the Lutzenberg Army division takes the front-lines. Gunter prayed for Conrad to return alive. Again, as time moved on, Conrad watched over Yuri until returning to Shin Makoku where he waited for him to appear. -- With a clearly different exprеssion, Conrad calls out to you, “Gunter”, you smile. With your disciple’s first use of the sword you had wrote Conrad off as a problem-child. It seems as if this new existence is impossible. -- Present stage, Yuri compares his cherished baseball as they discuss the commemoration ceremony. His banter apparently missed the point of what the others were talking about. (Laughing) After Yuri’s speech ends, the model tournament begins. -- Conrad requested, upon principle, to face Gunter in this model tournament believing that two people who view the sword with equal seriousness should face each other. Without it, the fight would look as lively as two dead fish. When Yuri jumps, Gunter’s sword is repelled and unintentionally thrown. -- Here the game comes to an end. Conrad informs Gunter with a serious exprеssion. “We won’t die here. There is something to survive for. We live to protect and defend Yuri,” Conrad answers Gunter’s question from the long-ago past with a smile on his face. -- And in answering Gunter’s question, he deduces that the smile suits Conrad’s face which makes Conrad laugh to hear. Gunter sees who Conrad sacrifices himself for. Now Gunter’s combined relief makes him wonder which feeling of relief has him so happy? This time, Gunter appears mysterious. The gap within the city has grown to a fearful extent. (Laughing) .
Довольно невнятно, конечно - но может кому-то кроме меня тоже интересно))